Whole System will not start.
Check all e-stops on the main line.
Check safety relay – if its red on the fault and no other lights are on it can indicate that it needs replacing.
Check fuses in the main panel as a fuse can stop all comms to the system and shuts it down.

If the section on the main panel does not reset and you have a trip, reset the trip, and start the system.
If the panel shows a section still down – check the circuit breaker in the junction box.
If it trips again, a motor could have failed due to carbon build up from the brushes.
To fault find you can do these two different ways:
Take the dummy plug from the last harting plug of the section and put it in to each section 1 by 1 until you have broken it down to 4 motors. then take the fuses out the motors and put them back 1 by 1 until you find he motor.
Or you take the fuses out off all the 16 motors on the section and place them back 1 by 1 until the system trips again.
Attempt to reset from panel face.
Check circuit breaker in the panel.
Check inverter.
Isolate panel – wait for 30/60 seconds un isolate.
Lock off and tag off motor.
Check motor terminals.
Check isolator terminals.
Ring siemens
Ring escalation engineer
Change motor.

Check all Start / Stop buttons on this line.

Open Junction box and check the circuit breaker has not tripped.
Inside the junction Box – You will see three blue relays – these are the select speed relays for the panel, slow/medium/high – which for reference are pins 6/7/8 on the harting pug.
If One Relay is Light Orange -more than likely it is running correctly, and we need to check the speed controller for input and output voltages.
If in any case none of the relay’s work – we can swap one of the relays out of the three to see if they will work as amazon do not normally change the speeds of their mech so in theory, we have 2 spares in the junction box.

Push the K1 contactor – does it run?
Yes – issues with start stop signal.
Check the contactors in every start/stop button – Loose wires / incorrect placement.
Open Harting plugs and take off the pin covers and checking for loose wires.

Tip – Use the dummy plug to narrow down the sections to help determine where the fault is in the harting wiring.
NO – Apparent Power Fault
Open Speed controller and test you input and output voltages. L+ / L- should be 230 +/- AC then A+ / A- should be around 180 +/- VDC.
If you have no output, isolate the 230v supply.
Please check the two fuses and if they are ok, the Horsepower resistor needs replacing. Un isolate and check.
If this does not work, the speed controller needs replacing.
MUST – when changing the speed controller make sure you have both fuses and the horsepower resistor, are in the new speed controller – IF NOT, this will not run.
If you have not got 230v going into the speed controller
Check the supply plug.
check the commando plug for 230v.
Then check the panel for a circuit breaker that has tripped 16 or 25 A

One motor has gone down.
Is the motor running?
If it is, are the bands slipping and do they need replacing.
If the motors not running - Check the Brushes - back end of the motor, there are two grub screws with a flat head indentation – the brushes will then pop out. Ensure carbon build up is cleared.
Check the Fuses in the Grey Box
If it is still not running change the Motor.


The above highlighted (Green) is the horsepower resistor.
Highlighted (Red) is one of the fuses
The second fuse is on the opposite side of the unit.